What can you learn from us?

It is already a couple of years I am providing iOS training world-wide. Many of my students are professional developers coming from different platforms attracted by the “sexy” iPhone.

I have to say that many of them come with the presumption of “conquering” this platform in few easy steps, but after struggling a little bit with the serious iOS frameworks, they understand that this is not a toy. But this is something I will discuss in a different post.

Today, I just want to show you something I am proud of, because it comes out of my classes. One of my students just published a video game that is really funny and you really must have it. So, don’t loose time and go directly here and download it. The web site of this nice project it at this link.

The developer behind this cool video game is Juan Manuel Altamirano Argudo who also left for us a very nice testimonial here about our training. Design, development and graphics are done by him. Ehy, the video game includes the Game Center, so I want to see all of you in my game center with this video game. Now, you know what you can learn from us.




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