Captured by the cellphones

Today, the national Spanish newspaper El Pais published an article on the event we took part during the last three days.

During March the 25th, 26th and 27th, the lab with title “The camera in your cellphone” directed by Alberto Tognazzi and the lab with title “What can you do with an iPhone?” directed by Geppy Parziale put together more than 30 people composed by musicians, developers, graphical designers, movie makers and artists.

During the three days, Alberto recorded videos of musicians (Manos de Topo, Blanca Lamar, San León, Los Seis Días and more) within the Raval, one of the most suggestive zones of Barcelona. Those videos were recorded using smart phones and uploaded on YouTube. Each musician selected a place and played a song representing an inspired emotion.

In the meantime, Geppy directed a group of developers and graphic designers to build an iPhone app that will be sent to the AppStore. The app will provide a virtual trip through the Raval and provide the recorded videos on a map of Barcelona.

This is the link to the event.



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